Initiating men online since 2014
We have noticed that more men are looking for ways to release their potential from the places deep inside. With a world on fire, this longing seems to be more acute.
Since you are here, we trust that you feel such a longing. It is likely what lead you here. And we trust that longing in you.
Explore our initiation, and see if it calls you. We would be happy to guide you to the next level.
Our initiation in brief

Joining our 3 month initiation is a choice you should only make if you are really clear you are ready to do the work.
But if you have the kind of commitment we are looking for, we will support you in removing the blocks that get in the way of your true greatness, and help you clean your pipes for real.
These times call on us men to wake up, rise up, and protect that which is good, true and beautiful.
And since you are here, I am willing to trust you are one of those men.
Does that feel true for you as well, my Brother? If so, I am happy to welcome you home.
Home, at last, to yourself.

No new round currently planned, but it is coming, so do apply, and we’ll put you on a waiting list.

So, what is this Training?
Reclaim your Inner Throne, the tried and proven, all-online men’s initiation that’s inspired by Tolkien’s the Lord of the Rings. A high-intensity, transformational journey, with a Fellowship of men from all over the world.
The core of the training is based on the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover system of archetypes, with influences from Integral Theory, mythology, Robert Bly, David Whyte, Jordan B Peterson’s to boot.
On this training, some men have created bonds that remains strong years later. So can you.
This is not a training for men who are looking for an easy ride. This is hard work. It’s intense. Most of us don’t want to actually look our shadows in the eye and change for real.
Most of us just complain and wish for it, without committing to it.
And that is natural.
But if you decide you want to reclaim your zest for life, you need to choose the path less traveled, and face the unknown.
As you descend into the depths of your psyche and soul, forgotten memories and secrets will be unearthed that are longing so much to come home to your heart and soul.
As this happens, you start becoming whole, which will totally transform your life.
This is a journey that will crack your armor and it will help you see yourself for who you truly are.
Part of that experience is to discover how fucked up you have become along the way. And only all of us, Brother.
We have all become twisted up in life, and in this initiation, we will embark on the journey of discovering those twisted parts, and be with you as they straighten out and start breathing life yet again.
This is not a surface level training. It may be the hardest work you’ve ever done.
And we trust that your longing for that hard and rewarding work is what brought you here.
Welcome to your initiation into mature manhood.

I’ve never come across a training with this level of buy-in from the Brotherhood. Across the board, there were big shifts unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. And I found my voice again.
I’m bringing it to the world through my singing and speaking. I’m planning online gigs, a live concert and hosting men’s work in Ireland. It’s like an inner switch has flipped and I’m writing an empowering new life story.
The “hard facts”
Are you ready to embark on this incredible journey into Clarity, Courage & Connection?
Then apply now by clicking the button below.

When it comes to determining whether this initiation is for you, consult with your heart and your soul.
This is a powerful training, and it will give you many benefits, though we cannot predict exactly what you will experience.
For we work with each man’s individual needs, and what you bring to the table will determine the transformations you experience.
We ask you: Does it make you excited, alive, and a little bit scared to imagine joining us?
We know that deep down, you have the answer.
Deep down, you know.

I leave the training feeling extremely happy and with more energy and enthusiasm than I have ever known. I have better results in my business and beautiful relationships with women. What is happening feels magical.

The Reclaim Your Inner Throne men’s initiation helped me to shed my remaining adolescence so I could become the Entrepreneur, Father and Lover I was born to be.

In the middle of RYIT, I could feel how an immature part of me was starting to die and a new part was getting born, a man who was a leader and was dedicated to serving the world. It is the most powerful self-development training I’ve ever done.

The things I discovered about myself on the Reclaim your Inner Throne journey lead to profound changes in my life. As a martial arts instructor, I suddenly found a whole new layer of authenticity in my teaching, and it eventually lead to me tripling my income.
I also saw dramatic improvements in my family life and the way I connect with people in general. Highly recommended!

This is not just another men’s program. It changed me deeply, and pointed me in the direction of my life’s purpose. I have not experienced anything else like it.

Reclaim your Inner Throne was a true rebirth experience for me. It has given me a connection to myself unlike anything I’ve ever known, which has lead to big shifts in my business and family.
Uplevel your Life Plan
Realm of Forgotten Kings

The setting for your initiation. This world will come alive for you over 26 weeks.
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s hard to tell.
In our experience, a lot of men are more capable of facing challenges than they think they are.
Part of the magic of going on a deeply challenging journey like this one is that you get to know that you’re strong enough to do so. That in and of itself is likely to create a feeling of empowerment for you.
But you may not be that committed. You may prefer comfort over truth, TV shows and potato crisps over integrity, beer and porn over cultivating presence. You may be a creature of habit. You may prefer blaming others over claiming responsibility yourself.
If you do, then this training will likely be too challenging for you. This training will peel off your protective layers and expose all of your broken life strategies. Trust us, it will.
And so if you are not yet ready to see the truth of who you are, then we recommend you postpone your journey with us until you are. Until the pain of the current is greater than the fear of change.
It’s ok – take your time. We’ll be here.
But over the course of the journey, you will receive much attention on the group coaching calls. You will likely experience this as more vulnerable than one-on-one coaching, but also more transformative.
You will however have access to coaching at discounted rates over the course of the journey.
Yes, they are.
Most – but not all of our alumni are heterosexual white men, but this is not by design.
You see, we pride ourselves in having a training that is alive and adaptive.
What that means is that every round of our training arises uniquely in response to the men who have come to participate.
In other words, whether you are black and gay or white and heterosexual, we will look beyond the surface to get to know who you truly are (which will always include, but not be limited to, your ethnicity and sexual orientation).
We are committed to ensuring that every man is honored for who he is. Black and gay men are no exception.
Tony Fonderson, a man of Cameroonian descent, says “I experienced no racial issues whatsoever. Black men need not be afraid of joining Reclaim your Inner Throne.”
The gay men who have been on our training will also confirm that no discrimination is present. Daniel Figueroa on our team is a gay man who would be happy to speak to you if you so desire.
Probably not.
There’s always a risk when a man goes on a deep journey of change that the outer circumstances of his life will change.
Whatever shifts you choose to make after Reclaim your Inner Throne will however be from a much deeper place inside of you, and you needn’t be afraid that your life is going to fall apart (unless you want it to).
We do not believe that deep change is as simple as changing jobs or relationships. Such changes may happen, but generally only if the life you currently live is dramatically out of alignment with who you are.
It may comfort you to know that past participants have healed their relationships and found more joy at work
Frankly we cannot answer that question, only you can.
Though the fact that you are looking for the answer could be the first step of your journey.
Most of the men we talk to are unwilling to pay the price it takes to create the change they need. The price that stops them is not a price of money, but the price of losing touch with who they are.
They are afraid.
If you have tried different trainings, men’s groups, therapy and you continue to behave in a dishonest way that violates your core values and dignity, you have to dig deeper. You have to let go of your attachments to your fear and limitations and take a leap of faith.
Here are some questions for you:
- Do you have the guts to surrender into the unknown and let go of your fake identity bullshit?
- Have you suffered enough now?
- Do you want to become a mature man who is dedicated to a life of service?
If you can answer yes to at least two of these questions, we believe this training is for you.
Every teaching call is on Mondays at 7pm CET (CEST in summer), 1pm EST.
Coaching calls alternate between the same time of day on Thursdays and Sundays.
Set aside two hours for each call.
Check the course calendar for more information.
We now have two different initiation tracks to make it easier for you to find a training that works for you timewise.
If neither of these works, we cannot help you. We’re sorry.
Yes, it is.
Though many men that we speak with don’t believe us.
Are you one of those men?
Reclaim your Inner Throne is at the cutting edge of using Internet technology to create deep transformation.
With Zoom, the video conferencing technology that we use, we get to look each other in the eye.
But we don’t have physical contact. And so you won’t be able to wrestle or hug your Brothers. If that is absolutely essential to you, then this may not be the right training for you.
Yet, there is a magic possible online that you are likely not aware of, and that is the magic of realtime integration of the work.
What do we mean?
Well, there’s something about Reclaim your Inner Throne that makes the experience permeate all areas of your life with the feeling of ritual space. We’re proud of that.
When you do a weekend workshop, or even a longer on site training, you go away to some retreat location, have a wonderful experience, and then return home to try and integrate what you experienced. You will likely experience the infamous rubber band effect; the experience of your habits and inner world snapping right back to where they were prior to your training.
With Reclaim your Inner Throne, that is no longer as big of an issue, as the training contains the process of ongoing integration. Since you won’t experience the strong separation between a retreat location and your home when you do RYIT, some magic that you probably haven’t experienced before starts taking place.
On many levels, we believe that this makes Reclaim your Inner Throne more powerful than residential trainings.
If you don’t believe it, check out our testimonials or a celebration call. They speak for themselves.
If you have a different question, contact our helpdesk!

Tess van der Putten is the manager of our incredible women’s team, who come in to serve the men at crucial parts of the journey.
What does it cost?
Exploring what you get for your Investment
Feature | Included? |
State of the Art Course Platform with Lifetime Access |
6 months of profound inner work |
24-7 engagement on our community platform |
Strong leadership team presence throughout the training |
52 hours of group coaching |
Integration Program & Community |
1-on-1 Coaching Calls |
Optional add-on |
3-, 6- & 12-month payment plans available |
Target demographic |
Normal Price |
$3479 |
If you truly feel the call to a greater life, then we look forward to meeting you.
Ready to get going?
The next Fellowship in the Euro-zone is departing on March 12, 2022 and you are invited for a deeply transformational journey.
(one week open enrollment)
If you’re tired of trainings that offer surface polish and instead want real change, apply now.